Window fringe This slider allows you to control the width of the window fringe. If the cursor is in this fringe surrounding the frontmost window, Sloop will not switch out of that window. This is useful since sometimes you might move the mouse a few pixels outside of a window by mistake and would rather not have Sloop switch out of the window because of that. The window fringe gives you a little more room to maneuver. The window fringe can range from 0 to 40 pixels. A visual representation of the fringe is drawn around the main preferences dialog box as you move the slider. This visual feedback is for setting the fringe only — it does not appear around any other windows or during normal operation. Note: If you are using a visual appearence control panel that makes windows have non-rectangular shapes, the fringe will also have a non-rectangular shape. However, the visual feedback when moving the window fringe slider will still be rectangular. This is cosmetic only and does not affect the actual function of the fringe.